The popular collaborative platform Padlet has finally arrived in the iTunes app store making it possible for iPad users to collaborate on the go. For those of you not yet familiar with Padlet, this is a great educational platform that can be used for a variety of collaborative purposes that include file sharing, brainstorming, bookmarking, note taking and many more.
In an previous post entitled ‘ Teachers’ Guide to Using Padlet in Class’ we mentioned a few ways to use this platform for instructional purposes . These include:
- Use it as a backchannel tool where students can post comments and feedback on what they are learning
- Use is as a brainstorming tool. Create a Padlet wall for the whole class where they can collect and share ideas about a given topic.
- Students can use it as portfolio where they display their best work.
- You can use the classroom Padlet wall to post assignments and homework reminders to students.
- Engage parents in the learning that is taking place in class by inviting them to visit the classroom Padlet wall
- Aggregate links and other multimedia resources relevant for students learning and post them on the classroom wall for everybody to check
- Use it as a book review page where students post reviews of the books they read
- Create walls for major cultural events and holidays of the year and invite students to search for information relevant to each of these events and share them with the class.
- Classroom Padlet wall can be used as an open space where students engage in group discussions and interactive exchange of ideas.
- Students can use Padlet for sharing their reflections on what they have learned and what they need help with
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